What does the Bible say about Holiness?

Darrell Stetler II video teaching on holiness

Holiness is one of those topics that seems to confuse people. Sometimes, people don’t seem to understand why holiness matters, or even what the definition of holiness is. There are many questions people struggle with:

  • What does the Bible say about holiness?
  • What does it mean that God is holy? 
  • What is the definition of holiness? 
  • Why are some churches called holiness churches?
  • How much holiness does God require of me? 
  • How can the Holy Spirit really transform my character and life?
  • Is it really reasonable to expect a life of holiness and victory over sin?
  • How can I ever be holy when I’ve got so many issues?

Holiness is not a niche product for a narrow market — it’s not just for Pentecostals, or the Holiness Movement, the Bible Methodists, or people who believe Wesleyan/Arminian theology. Study of God’s holiness and how to “be holy, for I, the Lord your God am holy,” (see 1 Peter 1:16) is for all serious Christians, all students of God’s Word, regardless of denomination or background.

After all, “…without holiness, no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14) I’d say that places the stakes pretty high. Regardless of denomination or theological background, we should care about what the Bible says about holiness, both about God’s holiness and ours!

How do we teach what the Bible says about holiness?

Much of my childhood has been marked by men who preached holiness in my generation. My grandfathers, Kenneth Stetler and V.O. Agan, preached holiness for their audiences, and lived it in their home life and before their families. Much of what I know about the Scriptures teach about holiness was preached and lived before me by my dad, Darrell Stetler, Sr.

I owe much to these men and their faithful teaching of the Scriptures.

But how do we teach people what the Bible says about holiness in the current day? How do we disciple new Christians to break through the current cultural climate and care about God’s holiness being reproduced in their lives and hearts? Frankly, people in my theological circles have not written and said much in the public “theological square” about the topic of the holiness of God in the last few decades.

So it is with great trembling that I am stepping out to add my voice to the topic.

Today, I want to invite you to participate in the Pursuing Holiness Challenge: A 40 Day Holiness Discipleship Journey.

Introducing Pursuing Holiness

www.40daysofholiness.com Pursuing Holiness Logo for Pursuing Holiness: A 40-Day Discipleship in Holiness experience
Pursuing Holiness: A 40-Day Discipleship in Holiness experience
What is included in the 40 Days of Holiness Church Campaign? www.40daysofholiness.com

What 40 Days of Holiness Includes

The campaign is starting to be starting this year on Pentecost Sunday, but it is one of those work at your own pace things. If you miss a day you just pick up where you left off, so it’s a great opportunity to learn about what holiness means, and how you can be holy as God is holy. 

Throughout the Pursuing Holiness challenge, there will be a Facebook group and you have opportunity to ask questions — 

When you participate in 40 Days of Holiness, you’re buying so much more than just one more spiritual growth book. Let me show you what I mean:


Here’s an example of the teaching videos on the holiness of God. This is from Day 1 of the challenge:

Feature #2: 40 Days of video PRAYERS FOR HOLINESS

When the teaching video is done, there is a sample prayer that is included in your workbook and there was also on the website a five minutes video of guided I pray for 2-minutes. Here’s an example from Day 8 of the challenge:

So these daily prayers are specifically praying back to God about what he’s talking to us about from the Bible verses on holiness for that day, you three minutes of prayer at the end of that to pray and seek on your own.  


Each day also features 2-3 meditation questions where you have a chance to pause and think and journal, to consider what God is saying to you, and to allow the Holy Spirit to teach you in a deeper way what holiness means.

Feature #4: A CHANCE TO ASK QUESTIONS about holiness

Every single day of the 40 Days of Holiness experience has a neat feature — on the website, there’s an invitation to ask questions. You can click the little chat button, and your questions come straight to my email. I’ll try to answer it on my YouTube channel.


So we’re going to do our best to just experience this seeking of holiness together. But it’s way different and way more than just a book what year what year purchasing here is an experience with a whole group online a digital community of God’s people.

So how can I get 40 Days of Holiness for my church?

You can either choose a digital download version of the Pursuing Holiness workbook that you can print out yourself, or you can choose to have one shipped directly to you… 

If you’re a pastor, or Sunday school teacher, I’m going to give you a hint – you can HUGE price discount if you get your church or Sunday school class to take it together! Click this link to get the 40 Days of Holiness church campaign

I want you to invite invite you and your family and your people in your church of your small group along with us that’s all across the country we engage this topic is vital crucial but often forgotten misunderstood topic of the Holiness of God. 

A subscription to this product in the NewStart Discipleship Tools family, gives you an unlimited printing license for these 130 page workbooks.

So here’s the final question I want you to think about:

Imagine with me for a moment that you took 40 days and you looked deep into God’s holiness. What if you spent an anchor 15 minutes a day just learning and mulling over and meditating on the Scripture… meditating on God and inviting his work in you that time of day for you — everyday for 40 days? 

Would it make a difference in your walk with Jesus?

Oh, yes it would! I am convinced that God is going to use this take you to a different level in your walk with him in his holiness!

The Challenge of New Believer Discipleship

Every pastor loves it when brand new people repent of sin, and trust in Christ for salvation! But in a busy world, there are lots of challenges to making sure that new life in Christ is nurtured and maintained until the new Christian is fully mature.

frustration with how to disciple new believers

I recently asked my email list if they had any particular suggestions and frustrations in this area of getting new Christians established in their walk with God.

Here’s what they said: (click the graphic to read their emails…)

#1: “Honestly, I don’t have a good plan in place. I’m winging it every time.

There’s nothing wrong with seeking the direction of the Spirit, and knowing what a specific new convert needs! It’s the privilege of the sons of God to be led by the Spirit of God!

But a while back, I realized that I was spending a lot of mental energy INVENTING! I was creating something new every time, instead of working off a framework that could help me give expected, good guidance to someone just starting off.

Every one is different — but there are at least SOME universal principles that ALL new Christians need. How can I build those into a system?

Here’s what another pastor said:

If you’ve read this blog for very long, you know I’m a huge fan of systems, which I define as “expected ways of doing critical work.”

I just hadn’t really applied systems thinking to discipleship in our church!

#2: “Some tools are too hard/too overwhelming for my audience.

This pastor friend referenced Shepherd’s Global Classrom, which is great… one of the most exciting discipleship and education tools in years. (You really should check it out!)

But he’s correct — some tools are basically, “Welcome to the Family of God! Here, have this large textbook.”

My audience is full of people who are not really readers, and they get overwhelmed easily if you can’t give them something they can chew — something BITE-SIZED for them.

#3: “There are some good discipleship resources out there, but it’s hard work to get it workable for MY CHURCH.”

One pastor had some great content he shared! I was thankful to review it — it was over 400 pages!! — but it was obvious that he and others had done a ton of work on it, to make it more workable for their particular theological framework.

That’s one of the challenges… finding tools that you agree with their theological framework, or their approach, etc. I’ve run into that many times. “Ooh, this is a great tool… really, you had to go there?

#4: “I’m so busy doing the work, I don’t have time to build a good discipleship system.

I know exactly what this pastor means when he says, “I’ve given more effort to the work than to improving my processes.”

People work is messy and busy. We can get so busy working IN our church that we have no time to work ON our church.

#5: “I’m the only one doing any discipling, and there’s no clear plan to empower others to help.”

Man, I really feel this. To be able to give discipling away, it takes either:

a) a really skilled helper — who is a strong Christian with great leadership abilities


b) a really clear system that can empower your more mature Christians to help — even if they feel unqualified.

So I’ve been working on it…

Those are some of the things that pastors shared with me about their frustrations with discipling.

I’ve been working on a solution to help, a system that I think

  • I can empower someone else to use, even if they don’t feel qualified
  • keeps everything bite-sized to prevent overwhelm
  • focuses on habit development, not just information
  • gives an extrememly clear pathway for the first few weeks of following Jesus
  • prevents some common problems such as getting bogged down in Bible reading
  • Is a great on-ramp to a longer-term discipleship strategy

If you’re interested, stay tuned. I’ll be writing about it in the next few days.

For a free sample of this tool for discipling new Christians, navigate over to NewStart Discipleship. Next time, I’ll share a copy of the New Start Discipleship Journal that you can download and evaluate.

In the meantime, reply or comment and let me know your frustrations with discipleship if I didn’t cover them! 🙂

Understanding Black Anger

One good thing God can bring out of the COVID-19 situation, is to help the white church understand the anger of people of color. I know that many white people are struggling to understand the level of anger that would bring African American people to riot, burn, and loot.

If you have a hard time understanding, give me 5 minutes, and let me try to put it in a way you can understand.


Imagine governors & local officials going beyond their mandate, and imposing extra burdens on freedoms you thought you were guaranteed in the Constitution.
Imagine local law enforcement tackling people for something like not wearing a mask. Imagine no real recourse available.
Imagine that police were far more likely to do this to evangelical Christians who looked like you.
Imagine someone you knew had been jailed for it. Imagine they were killed in custody.
Then imagine that nothing was done; the people responsible were never brought to justice.

And imagine that it happened again… and again. In other places, other states, other communities.
Imagine that the public stories — the ones that got out — were reacted to with flippant excuses like, “Hey, if you don’t want to get arrested, wear the mask” by a percentage of the population.

Imagine that the public stories that managed to get out were dwarfed by the sheer volume of stories that were only known because they were whispered around kitchen tables.
Imagine that DAs didn’t press charges.
Imagine that the badges gave protection to bad actors.
Imagine that this didn’t go on for 2 months of lockdown, but for decades… your entire lifetime… and for centuries.

How would you feel?

*THAT’S how people of color feel.*

Some of you have been protesting masks and closures peacefully (thus far). But we’re only 2 months in. What if it lasted years? What then?

I’ve seen your tweets & posts, Christians.

And I sympathize, and even agree with the overreaction you’re wrestling with. I sympathize with the weaponization of bureaucracy, the empowerment of small minded people to remove freedoms you treasure, and options you should have. But…

You have faced nothing — NOTHING — like those who have dealt with prejudice over the decades. And yet, after 2 months, you’re chafing under these restrictions. I would encourage you to meditate on this and let the Holy Spirit soak this truth down into your heart:

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – MLK Jr.

Think on this:

If you were speaking with a pro-shutdown person who disagreed with you politically, and you wanted to tell them how they could understand your perspective & that of others like you, what would you tell them?

Here are 3 things I think you’d tell them:


Go listen to those who have hurt because of the shutdown. Listen, don’t lecture or talk down. Hear their pain and don’t deny it to them. Wait – a long time – before suggesting reasons for their problem.

2. FEEL.

Put yourself and your family in their shoes. Imagine the pain of uncertainty about your children’s future. Imagine what you would do if you felt your children would never be able to return to what you’ve experienced as “normal” America… imagine what you’d feel & fear if lockdown was forever.

3. LOVE:

Let love motivate speaking and action. Be willing to call injustice what it is, and work for structural solutions to structural problems & spiritual solutions to spiritual problems. Let love inform your water cooler talk, the way you discuss, write posts, & vote.

So let’s do those things with our African American brothers & sisters… the things you would wish that people in power & people agitating for extended shutdowns… …would do for you.

Seems like what Jesus would encourage you to do.

MentorMe #2: John Parker Interview

I recently sat down with John Parker.  John served as a church planter in Alabama, pastor of the Easley Bible Methodist Church in Easley, SC, for years.  He now serves as Conference President of the Alabama Regional Conference of the Bible Methodist Connection.

We discussed leading outreach, dealing with failure, managing emotional swings, what he would say to his 20-year-old self and much more.

I hope this interview is an encouragement to you.

If you have comments or questions, please share them with me!  405-974-0507 or on the MarcoPolo group for this coaching program.  If you don’t have MarcoPolo (it’s a video messaging app that works well for group video questions, etc.), you can DOWNLOAD IT HERE.  Once you download it, you can join the coaching group BY CLICKING HERE.

John shared a number of sermons with you guys, which you can find below the video.

Click here to download sermon #1. 

Click here to download sermon #2. 

Click here to download sermon #3. 


Texting Is Better Than Phone or Email for Churches

I remember when I first sent a text message on my flip phone. Things have changed a lot since then. People are more connected to their phones than ever.  In those days, I rarely texted, and almost always called.

Lots of people under 30 don’t really check voicemail at all.  I rarely listen to a voicemail.  I have Google voice transcribe them and sent to me — as texts!

Sure, there are some things you shouldn’t do with a text. Ask for a date. Break up. Deal with conflict. Have a deep conversation. But if you’re just needing to quickly communicate in an extremely connected culture, texting sure does help.

There are lots of ways to use texting in your church communications.  Texting is a great way to:

  • Send quick encouragement to someone.
  • Remind people of events & appointments
  • Do a quick check on a fact
  • Get information such as a phone number without breaking workflow
  • Request an “at your convenience” reply on a question
  • Send information such as links and phone numbers so the recipient has a record of them
  • Drive quick traffic to a link, such as event registration or church video


Here are 5 reasons why I think texting is better than email or phone for church communications:

1. More people respond your message.

Not everyone is into texting.  But if you’re working with younger people, in my experience, you are more likely to get an answer from a text than a voicemail or email.

There are exceptions to this.  Boomers & office professionals still use email quite a bit.  But even that is changing, as communication becomes more informal, even in the workplace.

2. People see it more quickly.

I like to use email for longer-form things, but when you need to communicate something quickly (a cancellation, a schedule change, an urgent message) texting is almost always faster.

Lots of people have their phones set NOT to notify them when an email comes in, but very few people have their phones set that way for texts.

3. Texting is more personal than email.

Now, texting is probably less personal than a phone call, but the texting space isn’t as crowded as the email space… and while several dozen companies have your email, it’s mostly people (persons) that text you.  That’s why I’d argue it’s more personal.

4. Texting is more focused than email.

Often, emails can communicate too much and have too many possible responses, which tends to immobilize people, and lead to no response.  Texting is so short, that you can usually only take 1 action in response to a text, so people are more likely to actually act on it.


So how do we harness texting to do this kind of communcation in our churches?


Here are my favorite tools for churches to use for texting folks:

1. MightyText

Now, how to do it more quickly… that’s the problem. And my favorite solution is MightyText.  MightyText lets me text from my phone using my computer, which is far faster.

Here’s what it allows me to do:

  • See who’s texting without breaking my workflow. Texts pop up down in the corner, letting me decide if it’s important enough to stop for.
  • See who’s calling without breaking my workflow. Again, notifications pop up in the corner.
  • Reply without picking up my phone. A quick click and I’m replying.
  • Text multiple people at the speed of my computer, not my phone. I type way faster on a keyboard.
  • Easily Schedule texts to send in the future.

MightyText is quite valuable — and free to use. I used it for months with the free app. But on this one, it’s worth going to the paid version for the features that are included. The ability to create Contact Lists is particularly valuable. It lets me text groups of people with a single click.

I have admin assistant add mobile numbers to a list like “Trunk or Treat” and I can text 25 of those folks at a time from my own phone, and start a conversation, like “Thanks for attending our Trunk or Treat! This is Pastor Darrell, & this is my personal cell phone. Did you feel like your kids enjoyed it?”  (I like ending that kind of a text with a question, because they’re more likely to respond!)

One caution: If you use MightyText on a church computer, and someone else uses that computer, they can read your texts.  Obviously, this could cause issues with sensitive information.  So, be cautious here if you have sensitive info — log out, etc.

But obviously, you can’t use your personal phone for all church annoucements, which is why I like:

2. Textedly.com

Textedly is a great texting service that allows people to sign up to receive texts through keywords.  Such as this slide, which we use in our offering-time slideshow:

I’ve used Textedly in these ways:

  • Send out church cancellations or schedule changes
  • Quick Sunday reminders about church dinners
  • Saturday encouragement to “bring a friend”
  • Church-wide fasting and prayer campaign – Scripture verses

If you’d like to sign up and give them a try, you can CLICK HERE, and you will get a bonus 5,000 messages when you sign up for a plan. 

So what do you think?  Is texting better?  How do you use it?


Three Main Marketing Pieces for Small Churches

5 Minute Mentoring

Far too many small churches are content with sloppiness in their marketing promotional material… or even it being non-existent!

5 Minute Mentoring & small church pastor coaching from Darrell Stetler

This can be for several reasons:

    • they don’t know what’s available.
    • they don’t have time or ideas for it.
    • they haven’t thought through an outreach strategy.
    • they don’t have the skills or the money to update it.

I’m not saying you have to have everything perfect, but if reaching new people is important to you, then you need to care enough to talk to them with excellence.

I understand that you don’t have a graphic artist on staff at a smaller church, and that you can’t put a professional design on every event.  But don’t let the fact that you can’t do everything, stop you from doing core things well.

Here are 3 reasons small church pastors should do some work on updating your communication pieces:

  1. Updating your marketing pieces helps remove the “cringe factor” from your congregation inviting.

  2. No one yet ever was saved at a church they never heard of.

  3. If you use the right partners, it doesn’t have to be extremely expensive.

Here’s a quick video that shares what I think are the 3 core marketing & communication pieces that you need:

I have a more specific recommendations on printing & design that I share in my Small Church Pastor Coaching membership site.  If you’re interested in more on this, including where to get the best deals on graphic design and printing, check that out!




7 Good Reasons Pastors Should Say NO

5 Minute Mentoring

Peter Drucker once said something about like this, “A prerequisite for a career in ministry should be a 6 week intensive course in saying ‘NO.’ Yet no such course exists.”

Can you relate as a pastor?  It’s tough to find the wisdom to know when to say YES and when to say NO.  Often we feel pressure to say yes when:

  • The person asking is a valued leader in the church.
  • The person asking is a new attender.
  • You said YES to something similar in the past.
  • You feel guilty about not “doing enough.”
  • You feel that spirituality is mainly related to activity.

Pastors struggle with all these things, pretty much weekly.

Here’s a quick 5 minute video that will help.  It’s entitled 7 Good Reasons Pastors Should Say NO.

If you’d like a TON more of this kind of content, you need to check this out:

I’ve decided to open up my Small Church Coaching Membership site to any pastor.

Here’s what’s included:

1. Video Coaching Class

One Unit per month is added, and members have access to the ENTIRE ARCHIVE of past topics.  Current and upcoming topics include:

  • Creating An Outreach Culture
  • Recruiting and Leading Volunteers
  • Small Church Financial Leadership
  • How to Follow Up on Guests
  • Personal Spiritual Growth
  • Lower Your Sunday Stress – Preaching Habits
  • Personal Systems
  • Marriage & Ministry
  • Morning Routines
  • Intentional Leadership

Each Unit includes a 30-60 minute video training, handouts, resources, and links to sermons you can preach on these topics in your own church.

2. Private video messaging group for Q&A!

I use the app Marco Polo for Q&A, and respond as quickly as possible to your further questions on any topic in the archive.

3. Done-For-You Resources

* Complete Sermon Resource file – the best from 15 years of messages

* Graphic Design Templates:

  • Outreach Invitation Card
  • Guest Connection Card
  • Church Brochure
  • Plus tips on where to get them printed dirt cheap!

2 ebooks (including early release)

  • 7 Steps to a Killer Guest Follow-Up System
  • Top 9 Tech Tools I’m Using to Get More Done

40 Day Church Prayer and Fasting Campaign

  • Video Messages
  • daily texts
  • Sign up sheets
  • Social Media graphics

* Administrative File (Worship Program Swipe File, Sign-up Sheets)

* ALL 5 Minute Mentoring Videos before they are publicly posted.

(20 topics and counting! Personal time management, leading change, Lowering Sunday Stress, Sharing the Gospel, and many more!)

The Cost

I’m one of those guys who quickly scans what’s included, and goes to the bottom for the cost. 🙂

This $30/mo membership is packed with valuable information that is specifically tailored to the needs of small church pastors. Small Church pastors are incredibly important, but often do not receive the respect they deserve… and too often, they don’t respect themselves enough to invest in their leadership growth!

Invest in your ministry today, and get complete access to the library of small church coaching videos as well as an archive of sermons, documents, administrative helps, hours of recorded videos, and a helpful video messaging private group where you can ask further questions. Find your supportive community for small church pastors today!

My Coaching membership for small church pastors are available here: darrellstetler2.com/pastorcoaching

My Guarantee:

If you don’t think it’s worth it, cancel in the first 14 days, and you’ll get your money back.  Zero risk, No Hassle.

If you’re interested, click here to be re-directed to a simple purchase form.

Do This When You Have to Confront Your Leader

I recently made a leadership decision that was fraught with some amount of peril.

Most good leadership decisions are. If you’re not risking, you’re probably not leading as aggressively as you should.

I was contacted by someone who expressed genuine concern about the decision I had made. I was so impressed by them and their attitude, I decided to share it with you.

Here’s what they did right:

1. They contacted me privately.

They did not confront me publicly, setting up a situation where I felt I had to prove my point or lose face.  They did not rant on Facebook.

2. They communicated their appreciation for my leadership.

Honest appreciation is the oil that greases the gears of life and relationships, my friends. Use more of it.

3. They assumed they might not have all the information I had.

Usually, people assume that the leader doesn’t have all the information they have… and the decision was a bad one.  (And that could be the case!)  But it is safer and far more gracious to assume that the leader has information they don’t have.

This one little tweak raises you near a Level Ninja Conflict Manager.

If you don’t have this perspective, you won’t be able to listen… you’ll come in fighting to be heard, not to listen.

4. They communicated their concern about the situation.

I never mind when someone communicates their concern. As C.S. Lewis says in the Chronicles of Narnia, “If there is a wasp in the room, I should like to know where it is.” I’d rather know ahead of time if someone has concerns.

If you’re a leader who can’t handle that, then find something else to do – don’t pastor a church. But they sure made it easier to handle!

5. They recognized my authority in the situation.

I’m not really that guy that needs the props, or just needs someone to notice I’m in charge. But admit it: when your kids are respectful of your authority in your family, it takes the temperature down in the discussion. Same way here.

6. They affirmed their willingness to trust & follow my leadership, even if I didn’t agree with them.

This was huge. I almost felt like crying. As a leader in several organizations, I was overwhelmed that day, and carrying another person’s frustrations was not what I needed.

In a leader with a good heart, trusting them even when you disagree doesn’t make them more likely to be an idiot – it makes them more SERIOUS about their leadership!


What happened INSIDE me at that moment was fascinating.

  1. I was MORE willing to hear their perspective.
  2. I was MORE challenged to lead carefully.
  3. I was MORE energized to lead well.
  4. I was MORE thankful to have them around.
  5. I was MORE likely to seek out their counsel next time.
  6. I was MORE impressed with their readiness to lead on a higher level.

I think this list what happens in all leaders who have a sincere and good heart for the people they lead and love.

What happens inside YOU when someone does this?  Let me know below, or if you’re on social media, join in the conversation on my Twitter or Facebook!

We’re hiring!

Check out the vision video!

The church where I pastor in Oklahoma City is hiring a new pastoral position.

www.okcbiblemethodist.org logo

Our church has been growing:

  • We’re running 100, with a 9 week unique worshippers number of 175.
  • Our Food Pantry continues to grow, with 22,000 served in the last 12 months.
  • We are working on building a new fellowship and food pantry space.
  • We’re working on breaking through the 200 barrier.
  • We’re investigating moving to multiple worship services.
  • We are planning to help plant new churches over the next 4 years.

We feel like this is a strategic moment for us to hire new talent, to help us break through to the next level.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help people in Oklahoma City, “Love God, Love Others, Serve the World.”

Oklahoma City Bible Methodist Church Process Logo

Here’s the way we try to make that mission statement real:

  • We budget toward it (we have a “Love God” budget area, a “Love Others” budget section, etc.)
  • We program toward it (we have programs that are designed to encourage “Love God”, etc.)
  • I preach toward it (each message series is designed to move one of those forward)
  • AND NOW: We are staffing toward it (A Love God Pastor, a Love Others Pastor and a Serve the World pastor)

Currently, we’re seeking to add a staff position in either the “Love God” area or the “Serve the World” area.


We’re looking for a self-motivated, gifted person who:

  • has a servant’s heart
  • is ready to grow and stretch in their leadership skills
  • feels a passion for Jesus and His Kingdom and
  • loves cities and the people who live there
  • is passionate about helping people grow in one of the areas of our mission

Below you’ll find a video that gives a detailed explanation of our mission and vision for the church staff.  Please take the time to watch it if you’re interested in this ministry opportunity!

If you’re interested in more details, job descriptions, etc., please feel free to contact me via email at darrellstetler2@gmail.com, and get me your contact info and resume.

Staff Video – Dream Team Vision from Darrell Stetler II on Vimeo.



How to Make a Portable Baptistry for a Small Church

Baptism is a beautiful moment as new Christians celebrate their transformation & new life in Christ… but what happens if you’re a small church without a built-in baptistry?

Sure, you could use a creek.  But what if you live in Oklahoma City and you don’t have a creek?

You could go out of town and do a lake — but then you sacrifice some of the chance that your new Christians will invite their family and friends, and get them to witness their testimonies.

So, maybe you purchase a portable baptistry.  But… those things are expensive!

A few years ago, I decided to make one of our own.  Watch the video to see how we did it.

And here’s a video of our baptistry in use in a recent baptism service:

A Word from Our Sponsor:

SermonSubscribe - Providing Quality Preaching Through Video for churches who have lost their pastor

This video series is brought to you by SermonSubscribe, providing quality preaching by video.

Are you burned out as a pastor? Need someone to help lift the preaching load for a time? Do you need a sabbatical, but not sure how you will fill the pulpit?

Are you on a pastoral search committee, but you’re struggling to find a good candidate, and make sure someone is able to preach every weekend? Did your pastor retire, and you’re looking for a new one… but you have to bridge the gap until you can hire a new pastor?

You need to check out SermonSubscribe (www.sermonsubscribe.com). Each week, I preach live in Oklahoma City, edit the High-definition video, and send it to churches across the United States. By the middle of the week, those churches have a quality Biblical sermon to download, handouts to print out & copy… and all of this for far less than it costs to bring in a special speaker or interim pastor.

Have questions?  For pricing, or common questions, please visit www.sermonsubscribe.com.